Monday, August 20, 2007

Free Zoophilia Vídeo


The physical chemistry is a branch of chemistry studying the matter using physical concepts. According to the renowned
American Chemical Gilbert Lewis, "The Physical chemistry is anything interesting," probably referring to the fact that many phenomena of nature regarding the matter are of primary interest in physical chemistry.
represents a branch of physical chemistry in which case a combination of various sciences such as chemistry, physics, thermodynamics
, electrochemical and quantum mechanics where mathematical functions can represent interpretations at the molecular and atomic structural . Changes in temperature , pressure, volume , heat and work in systems , solid, liquid and / or gas are also related to these interpretations of molecular interactions .
The American chemist of
VIX century Willard Gibbs is considered the founding father of physical chemistry, where publication of 1876 called "On the Equilibrium of Heterogeneous Substances "(Study on the equilibrium of heterogeneous substances) coined terms such as free energy , chemical potential, and rules phase, which years later would be of primary interest in this discipline study.
The modern physical chemistry has strong bases in pure physics. Important areas of study in it include the thermochemical
(Chemical Thermodynamics), chemical kinetics, quantum chemistry , statistical mechanics, electrochemistry, chemical liquid state and surfaces and spectroscopy. Physical chemistry is a fundamental part in the study of science materials.


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